
Why do my bulbs seem to burn out quickly?

Q:Why do my bulbs seem to burn out quickly?

Light bulbs can burn out quickly for a variety of reasons. The first thing to do if a bulb seems to burn out quickly is check the fixture it’s in. Light fixtures can wear out over time and develop wiring problems that cause the bulbs to fail early. If bulbs are repeatedly burning out quickly in the same light fixture, it’s probably the fixture. Be sure you’re following the fixture manufacturer’s specifications for light bulb wattage, voltage and bulb shape.

The second thing to consider is the type of bulb you’re buying. Some new bulb types have a longer bulb life than regular incandescent light bulbs that you’re used to. If you want bulbs that last longer, look for our Rough Service light bulbs that are guaranteed to last for two years — they provide a superior bright, crisp light and are made with high-level design and materials. If you’re looking for long life and energy efficiency, try our Neolite CFLs. They last up to 12,000 hours and save up to 75% in energy costs.